How can a technical team work together on techy stuff if they don't understand the same language? On our team, the native languages are English, Polish, Spanish, and possibly Jive (<-- funny Airplane reference). Fortunately, everyone speaks English (even though the native English speakers don't speak Polish, Spanish, or Jive -- other than enough Polish to get me slapped). We are able to work together in English on business facing testing issues. To work as a technical test team, we need a technical lingua franca.
A lingua franca is a common language shared by people from different backgrounds so they can understand each other and they can work together. At home, different languages are used; at work (or at market or international diplomacy), an agreed upon, common language is used. The common language is no better than the others, but it enables people to communicate better.
Programming teams are typically formed with a built-in lingua franca. If the team is developing web apps in Java, then all the programmers hopefully share a working knowledge of Java. At home or on side projects, these same developers may switch a language that is more comfortable for them, such as Python, F#, or Zimbu. Even though these programmers may speak Zimbu at home, they can still communicate with other programmers at work in Java.
Test teams don't often have the same advantage. Testers often range from non-technical to super technical. And because there is no industry standard for testers (not advocating this), it is more challenging for test teams to work together on technical solutions. For example, members of our test team have experience with VB (VBA/VB Script), Ruby, Python, Java, C#, and a few other languages.
We are literate, but if we are not literate in the same language, what good is it? We can build things for ourselves, but we cannot leverage ourselves and our influence. We cannot grow greater than one. If we each build tools and testing applications in VB, Ruby, Python, Java, and C#, we cannot take advantage of each other's work, understand each other's work, develop significant tools, or maintain that work. With a common programming language, we can become more powerful team.
There are a few considerations in picking a common language. It might make sense to form around the common development language in your shop (C#, in our case), go with the most common language on your team (probably VB) , or select from open-source languages commonly used in the test space, such as Ruby or Python. Anyway you go, pick a language, and go with it.
We selected Ruby as our lingua franca. When we started, none of us had any experience with it. Part of our shared experience was learning to use it. We worked together before and after work and at lunch to learn the basics of the syntax and understand the personality of the language.
As a team, we work together, challenging and motivating each other. This common language is helping to pull us together as a team. We work together on skill-building challenges and building applications to help us with our jobs. Simple tools are becoming more ambitious as we grow skills and gain confidence.
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