Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello World

Welcome to our new blog.  Our goal is to build a technical testing community to share experiences as we work to improve our existing automated testing tools, develop new frameworks using open-source libraries, and build new tools to solve other problems as we see them.

We will share technical information and points of view that promote the technicalization (not a real word but I like it) of testing. We will share code, descriptions of our projects, failures, hacking stories.  Expect to see references to agile testing -- agile development is the best way we have seen to develop (program and test) applications.  Agile testing (which is fundamentally different from traditional QA) cannot work without technical testing.

What you will not see here is anything that resembles traditional software testing or QA.  If you are working in that environment, I am sorry.  I have been there, and I have no intention of going back.

The core group of this new community works together in the same development team.  As we grow, we hope to gather kindred spirits and hackers who share our interests and technical goals.

In addition to the blog, we will actively tweet while we hack and otherwise goof off together.  We use the hashtag #rubytest.  Watch for it.

Death to software testing.  Long live software testing!

-- Bob Jones

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