The Automatic Rerun
Our attempt to automate the rerun process through QualityCenter had to start with some backend processing. First we needed a database table to store the rerun information. I'm including the database here since it has to be done and it's pretty simple. We implemented a single table with 5 columns added to the QualityCenter database. The columns are id, test_id, test_name, run_position, host_group so that we can order the tests and run them on the host machine they are supposed to run on. Next, we decided to use QualityCenter workflow to drive the work that needed to be done by writing to this table. Once that is complete, we can process this information the way we want.Ideal Workflow
- Test is identified as "Rerun"
- Tester changes the status of the run to "Rerun"
- QualityCenter would take over and insert a table row with the test run information
- QualityCenter would change the status from "Rerun" to "Queued" to show that the test has been picked up
- Separate process would chug through the table and run tests as they were popped onto the table
- This process would also be multi-threaded based on the number of available machines
- Web page would show current test status (tests in the queue, order of tests in the queue, tests currently running and which machine they were running on)
- Web page would allow for reordering tests in the queue
- Web page would also show the current machine status
I haven't worked a lot with QualityCenter workflow and even less in the workflow scripting. I knew the code I needed to put in...but WHERE? I started my quest in the script editor after reading a few descriptions of what could be done I decided that the TestSetTests and TestSet were two that made the most sense and I needed either FieldChange or FieldCanChange. , so add a few message boxes in and start changing test status to "Rerun" to see which function was being hit. After a little back and forth, I was able to identify the correct Function as *** Insert the function here *** Now when a test status is set to "Rerun" the workflow updates the status to "Queued" so that we know the test information has been sent to the next step in the process to run the test by way of writing to a database table (Steps 1-4 above)
Step 1: Read the first row of the table to get the Test ID and the Host
Step 2: Check the host to see if it's a group or a specific machine.
Heavy Lifting (aka Backend Code)
Most of what we need here is setup and connection to QualityCenter because we already have the database and simple SQL gets everything we need.Step 1: Read the first row of the table to get the Test ID and the Host
Step 2: Check the host to see if it's a group or a specific machine.
- Specific machine: we have everything we need, just send that machine name to QC
- Host Group: we need to follow a few extra steps to get an available machine for running the test
- Get the first machine name from the host group
- As long as you have something returned, put the data into an array so you can easily loop through each machine to see what's available to run on, something like this:
- Finally, the magic SQL to tell whether a machine is available to use or not:
Step 3: Connect to QualityCenter (this is all standard QC API stuff)
Step 4: Return the test set folder object of the test you are trying to run
Step 5: Return the test set object of the test you are trying to run
Step 6: Start the scheduler and run the test (don't forget to remove the row from the table)
Step 7: Finish up by monitoring the execution object so that you can close out all of the objects when done
Step 8: Clean up after yourself and do it all over again
That's it!